How are you going to celebrate it?

Here’s some suggestions based on research into what happy people actually DO.

– Do the things you love to do, that really absorb and engage you

– Spend time with family and friends, nurture your relationships

– Express appreciation to all the great people you have in your life – go on, tell those close to you what you really appreciate about them.

– Focus on, and express gratitude  for all the good things you already have in your life

– Spend some time reviewing your happy times and successes to date.

-Reach out to others – find opportunities to perform random acts of kindness to all who cross your path today.

– List your top strengths ( ask others to name them if you feel stuck!) and find ways to use them today.


– Talk up your own and others successes.

– Spend some time out in the open air, preferably exercising.

– Watch some funny or feelgood movies  or make a playlist of songs that remind you of the “good times” (even your immune system will thank you for it)

my advice to you is not to enquire why or whither, but just enjoy your ice cream while it is on your plate, Mindfulness Course, Well Being Course

– Work out whats most important to you and commit even more deeply to ways of advancing it.

– Only give “headspace ” to stuff you enjoy thinking about e.g.  imagine your best possible year ahead

– Savour the good things that come your way today – use your senses to really BE there and not in your head, not as a photo op , or planning what you will post about it.

Lest, I am accused of being “unrealistic”,  let me assure you, that

1 the above list is evidence based

2 happier and more optimistic people are healthier, on average live 10 years longer than unhappy people, have better relationships, end up in higher paid and higher status occupations or work that has deep meaning for them.

3  like everybody else, happy people have their shares of ups and downs -its where you decide to live, to park your mental energy, that matters – you have heard it before: GROW THE FLOWERS NOT THE WEEDS .

Make sure you pour fertiliser on the right stuff today.
