Anger management

The recent video from Judge Lynn in the US Divorce Courts on the advice she gave to Shaneesha on “managing her crazy” that I uploaded on the Positive Psychology Ireland Facebook page, has prompted a lot of interest and questions on whether I think Mindfulness can help manage anger.
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Make your 2015 New Year resolutions stick

The many thousands of column centimetres that are written on the subject of resolutions every new year are a tribute to the fact that human beings are hope-making biological entities.
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Positive Emotions

In a longitudinal study of nuns, researchers studied their auto-biographical sketches written in the 1930s. They discovered that 90% of those who expressed the most positive emotions , who wrote about feelings of happiness and “eager joy” were alive and well at age 85, compared to only 34% of the least cheerful quarter.
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Changing your Thinking

Buddha “We are what we think. all that we are arises from our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.” John Milton “The mind itself is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, or a hell of heaven.
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Researchers have focused on questions such as “ what behaviours and attitudes positively affect happiness and self-fulfillment? Can we learn to be happy?Surprising, happiness researcher Sonia Lyubomirsky discovered that only 10% of our happiness is due to our circumstances
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