World Meditation Day – the Path to Freedom

“All spirituality is about waking up” Anthony de Mello. De Mello was an Indian Jesuit, well versed in yoga and eastern philosophy which regards the “normal” person as being asleep, hypnotized by their past, running on automatic pilot, looking at …
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Mindfulness and Flow

In all systems of meditation, the goal is to have a CLEAR mind, to be more present in our lives, rather than wrapped up in our head. The “normal” state of the mind always flitting from thought to thought , is compared to a “cage full of wild monkeys” in yoga books. The object of mindfulness is to steady the attention on one thing for a period of time.
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You are your most valuable resource

The cornerstone for your future happiness and success is you-wherever you go, you bring yourself with you. How much is that bright spirit inside you up to the surface, or how much is it covered over by layers of overthinking that make it hard for that sun inside you to shine through the clouds?
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Be grateful for the best bits of 2017

As 2017 fades into 2018, make sure you deepen all those good experiences you had in 2017. What were the situations which you are truly grateful to have in your life?
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More on creating a positive launching pad

A little more about the science of what I called in my last post ” creating a positive launching pad”. According to psychologists we all have an internalised narrative about how we became the person we are to-day, and where we are heading tomorrow, much like a movie we run in our head.This is known as our Narrative Identity.
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The stories we tell ourselves matter

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