Rewiring the brain: new habits Can quickly become our new default mode
For the past 4o years or so, I have, like most people driven a car that requires me to put the key into the ignition to start. This time last year, I got a brand new mini, which started without inserting the key so I have been just one year driving this new technology.
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WOW – Five Ways to Wellbeing
My “Take the Steps” courses in Mindfulness and Wellbeing are so named to draw attention to the fact that in order to increase wellbeing, happiness, flourishing, we actually have to take steps to BE and DO things differently.
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Martin Seligman comes to Dublin
Martin E. P.Seligman, (Marty to his friends) one of the most influential psychologists of our times gave a talk on “Positive Psychology-the cutting edge for psychology, in Trinity College last night.
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I recently viewed a talk on You Tube by Richard Davidson, one of the “superheroes” of neuroscience, whose research has done so much to increase understanding of our emotional brain, and how much we can train our brain to react differently. I often use the phrase “rewire your brain” ...
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The Art Of Dropping IN
I took up yoga in the early 70s, when many people were talking of “dropping out”, of leaving their job and starting an alternative lifestyle. Tony, my yoga teacher, was fond of saying to those who asked his advice on whether they should “drop out”, would you not consider “dropping in”?
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“Choose a job you are passionate about and you will never have to work a day in your life.”
I love this quote from Confucius. I am fortunate enough to be able to say that is how I feel about my own work, and I have also dedicated a good proportion of my own life in helping others to find work they love.
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Today, March 20 is UN International Happiness Day
How are you going to celebrate it? Here’s some suggestions based on research into what happy people actually DO.
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Anger management
The recent video from Judge Lynn in the US Divorce Courts on the advice she gave to Shaneesha on “managing her crazy” that I uploaded on the Positive Psychology Ireland Facebook page, has prompted a lot of interest and questions on whether I think Mindfulness can help manage anger.
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Make your 2015 New Year resolutions stick
The many thousands of column centimetres that are written on the subject of resolutions every new year are a tribute to the fact that human beings are hope-making biological entities.
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Positive Emotions
In a longitudinal study of nuns, researchers studied their auto-biographical sketches written in the 1930s. They discovered that 90% of those who expressed the most positive emotions , who wrote about feelings of happiness and “eager joy” were alive and well at age 85, compared to only 34% of the least cheerful quarter.
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